Monday, January 14, 2013

Who Should Use Kama Rani

Who should use Kama Rani?
Women should use if they want to optimize their libido health with a proven herbal formula. This product is doctor approved. It is all natural. And its science has been tested and proven over the course of 5,000 years.
Why don't I need a prescription for Kama Rani?
Kama Rani is a combination of natural herbal extracts, it is not a pharmaceutical and is not regulated by the FDA.
I have a medical condition. Can I use Kama Rani safely?
We are not your doctor and can't give you meaningful advice about potential interactions that might exist between your condition and our product. In order to get the best possible advice, please speak to your doctor before trying Kama Rani or any other herbal supplement.
Can I take Kama Rani with my medication or supplement?
In all likelihood it's okay to combine our product with the medication or supplements you're taking. However, to make sure you get the best possible medical advice, you can review Kama Rani's ingredients with your pharmacist or doctor. We cannot recommend combining Kama Rani with any prescription medications without knowing the details of your medical history and medications.
How old do I have to be to use Kama Rani?
Kama Rani is recommended for all women 18 and older who want to improve their libido health and quality of life.
Am I too old for Kama Rani?
Kama Rani is formulated to work for all women, young and old.

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